What Makes Good Greens?
It’s no secret that there are a LOT of greens supplements on the market but what makes a good one? Well we’ve been just as challenged with that question as you have been which is why we made our own Grown Strong Super Greens. I’ve tried countless different supplements but just kept feeling like they were missing their mark. I wasn’t getting everything they promised out of the product even after using it consistently. So we want to help you by breaking down what makes for a good greens supplement and give you a little background on the brain power behind Grown Strong Super Greens.
We’ll breakdown:
1. What is green superfood powder?
2. Green juice benefits
3. Why Grown Strong Super Greens?
What is green superfood powder?
Having the word “Super” in our product name is no mistake. In fact, it’s purposeful since our greens are loaded with superfoods. Superfoods are a variety of foods that are jammed packed with nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that all help keep you balanced. These superfoods can make a huge difference in your diet and a superfood powder helps take out any guesswork and makes it a lot easier to ensure you’re getting your daily requirements.
Green Juice Benefits
There are so many benefits to our Grown Strong Super Greens. The first is, it makes it SO EASY to make sure you’re getting your greens. With just one scoop and a glass of water you can start your day off on the right foot. But there are also a lot of not so obvious benefits to our greens supplements.

Our greens contain a great source of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, iron, the list goes on. What these do is help reduce inflammation, help keep you balanced and even reduce heart disease risk, and your risk of age-related mental decline.
There is also a great source of probiotics which are a necessity to help support your digestive tract to ensure the good bacteria living in your digestive tract is performing at its best and keeps your immune system top notch.
Overall this is a sure way to maintain your greens in your diet and help your body stay balanced.

Why Grown Strong Super Greens?
We know there are A LOT of options out there but somehow our team still wasn’t able to find a greens supplement that we loved or got all of the benefits from. Between myself, our superstar nutritionist Jenn and the rest of our Grown Strong team we knew we could make something that truly helped our community. The past year has been a labor of love but we wouldn’t change anything about it.

Our Grown Strong Super Greens checks all of the boxes of what a green supplement should do for you. And we made this supplement with everyone in mind because we know that prioritizing your health is often a team effort so we want whoever that partner is for you to able to also enjoy and benefit from our greens. So give it a shot and make sure to let us know how you like it!
Super Greens can be purchased HERE.