This time of year, it is easy to be swept up in the magic holiday spirit buzz. While it is a joyful time, it is also a time where our routine gets thrown off course. This is particularly difficult when we work so hard to keep up with our healthy habits and routines. It’s particularly hard when we feel like we have to decide between spending more time with the family and getting in our normal workout. While you might not be able to get your normal workouts because of travel and holiday activities, we wanted to give you some tips ( and workouts!) to try this holiday season!
1. Movement is movement
Just move. However much you can. If you are flying, try to get to the airport a little earlier so you can walk around and get some blood flow. Walking will be your BFF during the holidays. While walking is an unassuming form of exercise, it probably is the best. Low impact, but just enough movement to give you those feel-good brain chemicals (serotonin). Walking is great because you can do this with family and friends. If you are trying to catch up with someone, suggest chatting and walking. That way, you both get to some movement in. Can’t walk because of the weather? Maybe try some yoga or stretching. My family and I do some group stretching when we get together during the holidays. Even my grandparents join! It is quite hilarious because they are not the yoga/stretching type. But they join in anyways, and we all have a good laugh! The point is, even the most simple movements will help keep you on your healthy routine.
2. Build a routine
Try to build a routine. Figure out when you will be traveling, and make sure to get a workout in before you fly or drive. When you arrive, gauge your environment and figure out if there are certain times or places you will be needed in. Then plan a time or multiple times you can get some movement in.
3. Find your local gym or workout space
Do some pre-travel research and find out if you can drop in a gym near you. No gyms where you will be? Find a nice hill to run, find a garage gym, or find an open space you can get a bodyweight workout in (Hint hint, Grown Strong can help you here!).
4. Eat protein, veggies, and drink water
Eating consistently and nutrient-dense food will help keep your energy levels up so that you can be motivated to work out. All the holiday cookies ( while delicious) will often make us feel sluggish and less motivated to exercise. Making sure you fuel your body with the nutrients it needs and hydrating will help fight off the sugary sleepiness. *Note* You should not guilt yourself into working out. I dislike the narrative that we need to “workout to burn off the food we ate.” Eat those cookies proudly! But workout and eat healthy because you are dedicated to taking care of your health. Exercise is not a punishment!
5. Make a priority list. What are some non-negotiables?
Traveling, visiting loved ones, work parties (is this still a thing?)... When we are in a different environment, and our routine is thrown off course, it can feel like we don’t have choices. As hard as it is to believe, we always have a choice. And part of making choices is making yourself a priority and what YOU need a priority. The holidays are all about being thankful and about giving, but sometimes the best gift you can give is making yourself your highest priority. This can be done by making non-negotiable lists. Treating this non-negotiable list like an important work meeting. You are the CEO of your life, and you gotta make time for the boss. How do you create a non-negotiable list? Write down what it is you absolutely cannot compromise on. For example, this is my holiday non-negotiable list.
- At least 10 min of alone time. I love being surrounded by my family, but I get easily overwhelmed. I often need to be alone to reset. This can look like being in my room reading, going for a walk, or sitting at a coffee shop alone.
- I need to take my supplements. I have to get my greens, reds, and spirulina in. As well as my fish oils and turmeric. These help with my gut health and make me feel good overall. So I have to take these even on holiday.
- 30 min of movement. I have to work out for at least 30 min! My family knows me as a fitness enthusiast. They know that I like to work out even though they don’t understand why. I tell them when I am blocking time in my day to go to the garage gym or to visit a local gym in the next town over. I have fiercely protected this time, and yes, there have been arguments and comments or looks of disappointment that I was not spending all my time with them. It wasn’t easy at first, but now they know that this is important to me.
Those are three things that I cannot negotiate on. No matter what. Those three things are blocked in red in my figurative ( and literal) boss of me calendar. Anything else I can compromise on.
6. Set yourself up for success. Create your environment ( as much as you can) to help you stick to healthy choices
Did you know that willpower is not effective? We cannot force ourselves to stay consistent. That’s why habits are so important. And how do we create good habits? By creating our environment!
When it comes to the holidays, our normal environment is altered in a way. If we are traveling, we might be limited by how much we can pack. We can’t exactly pack our entire gym with us, but we can make sure to pack our gym gear. Shoes, cute gym outfits ( like these red Grown Strong leggings and sports bras! Soooo holiday spirit!). We can pack compact equipment that can help us get a workout in anywhere. Some of our travel-friendly workout faves are jump ropes, GSGO timers, and hip bands. These are compact enough that we can pack with ease. Another way of setting yourself up for success is to follow your favorite fitness account, Grown Strong IG 😉. We always post workouts that you can easily do at home. The GS20 workouts are perfect for when you are traveling as well. Make sure to save these workouts and plan out when you are going to do them. Invite your friends and family to join too! Because we know that working out with a community is wayyyyy more fun.
Those are our six tips for working out during the holidays! Always remember that it is okay if you don’t get your normal workout in or if you eat cookies and holiday food. Working out is not a punishment. Exercising and eating healthy makes you FEEL good, and it supports your mental, physical and spiritual health.
As promised, here are 2 FREE WORKOUTS from our GS20 program. Super short, simple and effective! Set yourself up for success, and save these for your holiday workouts!
5 Rounds For time (15 minute time cap)
10 DB power clean
10 DB thruster
10 DB plan slides
10 Push ups
*Suggested weight
Level 1: 15 lbs
Level 2: 25 lbs
Level 3: 35 lbs
For time (15 minute time cap)
100 Mountain climbers
25 DB Front Squat
25 DB bent over rows
25 DB push press
25 sit ups
25 Burpees over DB
25 sit ups
25 DB push press
25 DB bent over row
25 DB Front Squat
100 Mountain climbers
*Suggested weight
Level 1: 15 lbs
Level 2: 25 lbs
Level 3: 35 lbs
Click below to get more workouts like this and more inspiration for a fitter lifestyle!